Why is executive coaching important? 

Executive coaching isn’t just for the C-Suite anymore. What was traditionally reserved for senior executives, is today your secret weapon for career growth, no matter where you sit on the org chart.

Stuck in your career? Unsure how to navigate a layoff? Thinking about accelerating your promotion but unsure where to start? An executive coach can support you. Unlike therapy, which focuses on healing past experiences and mental health concerns, coaching is a future-oriented process which can help individuals plan their career with confidence and maximize their personal and professional potential. 

What is executive coaching? 

Executive coaching is a one to one custom-tailored intervention designed to provide leaders with the knowledge and opportunities they need to develop themselves and become more effective.  It is a collaborative process with its core purpose being helping individuals achieve their desired aspirations. It helps you recognize your blind spots, challenge your thinking, and unlock new perspectives, and more effective ways of operating.

Why is it important and how can it help? 

We all have goals we want to reach, challenges we’re striving to overcome and times we feel stuck. Even the most talented and widely-respected senior leaders struggle to keep up in today's ever-changing business landscape. The skills you need are constantly evolving, demanding continuous refining to stay at peak performance.

This is where coaching, in its diverse forms, comes in, offering a personalized approach to meet your individual needs. Think of it as your personalized guide to career growth and the great part is that you can find  a coach adapted to your specific needs. Coaching helps you unlock sustainable ways to achieve your goals, overcome roadblocks, and finally understand and overcome weaknesses holding you back. 

Many studies have shown the clear and measurable benefits of executive coaching. These include: 

  • Accelerated goal achievement 

  • Increased skills, knowledge, and confidence

  • Better work/life balance

  • Improved collaboration and innovation 

  • Enhanced confidence 

  • Maximizing strength and overcoming weaknesses 

  • Heightened self-awareness 

  • Improved ability to develop others 

While executive coaching can be a powerful tool for growth, it's important to acknowledge that it can be a significant investment. If the cost is a concern, there are alternative options to explore. You can consider seeking support from coaches in training or utilizing resources like the International Coaching Federation (ICF) website. Additionally, you can seek referrals from friends or colleagues, or even discuss your options with experienced professionals like Sarah Thorpe Scott and Dr. Helen Krug Von Nidda, who are hosting a group coaching session for the Ladder Club this month.

Executive coaching is an investment in your future, no matter your level. So, why wait? Start unlocking your potential today!

Additional resources: 

International Coaching Federation  | Sarah Thorpe Scott | Dr Helen Krug Von Nidda | The BlackWomen Coach


The ladder club x Unilever: Executive group coaching session


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